Want A Purpose-Driven Business? Know The Difference Between Mission And Purpose Matt MeyerDecember 8, 2020purpose and impact
Smart Company: The future of work is a race between education and technology, and one’s not keeping up Matt MeyerApril 4, 2019ethical innovation
Skating Panda: Purpose-led growth purpose and impactMatt MeyerOctober 12, 2018Purpose, purpose and impact
The Times: I’ll put a robot in charge of my car but I wouldn’t want it to drive my career Matt MeyerOctober 12, 2018AI
CityAM: Investor demand for environment-friendly firms is becoming 'phenomenon' says top Barclays banker purpose and impactMatt MeyerOctober 11, 2018Purpose, purpose and impact
TedEx: The social responsibility of business purpose and impactMatt MeyerSeptember 13, 2018Purpose, purpose and impact
The Guardian: Franken-algorithms: the deadly consequences of unpredictable code Matt MeyerAugust 30, 2018Ethical, AI, ethical innovation
TechUK: How millennials are shaping what work means today Matt MeyerJune 22, 2018Millennials, culturally inclusive
Parliment.uk: Committee sets the agenda for new algorithmic ethics agency Matt MeyerMay 24, 2018Ethical
CIPD: Over-worked managers and under-supported staff casts a shadow over workforce happiness Matt MeyerApril 11, 201821st Century workplace, culturally inclusive
BBC News: AI 'poses less risk to jobs than feared' says OECD Matt MeyerApril 4, 2018AI, ethical innovation
The Guardian: Forget financial incentives – it’s purpose and values driving the employees of the future Matt MeyerApril 4, 201821st Century workplace
Nuffield Foundation announces new institute to examine profound ethical and social issues arising from the use of data, algorithms and AI Matt MeyerMarch 28, 2018Ethical, ethical innovation
Steelcase: Engagement and the Global Workplace Matt MeyerMarch 27, 201821st Century workplace, culturally inclusive
Legal Cheek: Can we regulate Uber into ‘doing the right thing’? purpose and impactMatt MeyerMarch 26, 2018purpose and impact
The Telegraph: The robot will interview you now: AI could revolutionise recruitment by weeding out bias Matt MeyerMarch 21, 201821st Century workplace, ethical innovation, culturally inclusive
TechCrunch: A hippocratic oath for artificial intelligence practitioners Matt MeyerMarch 19, 2018Ethical, ethical innovation
Evening Standard: The only way to beat the robots is to back arts education in schools Matt MeyerMarch 19, 201821st Century workplace, ethical innovation